
Shanghai Model Organisms Center Inc.  News

SMOC Launched U-HuDTMbase®, Inclusive Resource Library of Innovative Therapeutic Target-Humanized Mouse Models, to Accelerate Novel Drug Discovery

U-HuDTMbase® is composed of more than 600 therapeutic target-humanized mouse models, including multiple background strains, and has covered almost all commonly studied areas, such as oncology, metabolism, immunity, inflammation and more.

SMOC Received OLAW (Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare) Approval for Animal Welfare Assurance

Shanghai Model Organisms Center Inc.(SMOC) received the approval of Animal Welfare Assurance from the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) for its animal facility on January 25, 2021.

Workshop:Progress and Advances in Preclinical immuno-Oncology Research

SMOC’s Annual Progress and Advances in Preclinical immuno-Oncology Research: The workshop is designed as a forum for ideas and opinions exchange on how to decrease the rate of clinical failures in oncology and immuno-oncology.

Shanghai Model Organisms Jinshan R&D Base officially put into operation

After the base is put into operation, SMOC’s capability to provide genetically modified rat/mouse models and technical services including gene function research and drug development will be greatly enhanced.

Dr. Ruilin Sun from SMOC gave a scientific seminar at Wenzhou Medical University

On March 22, Dr. Ruilin Sun, the deputy general manager of SMOC, gave a seminar on how to generate, breed and use genetically modified mouse models for biomedical research, at Wenzhou Medical University.

On Nature Genetics Prof. Bin Zhou's group used lineage-tracing mice produced by SMOC to investigate the role of bronchioalveolar stem cells

Published on today's Nature Genetics, Prof. Bin Zhou's research group from Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology revealed the bona fide role of bronchioalveolar stem cells (BASC) during lung repair and regeneration.
