CKO mice developed by SMOC supported the identification of a novel lncRNA that regulates dendritic cell migration and the corresponding immune response

Published on today's Immunity, Prof. Xuetao Cao's group identified a novel long non-coding RNA lnc-Dpf3 whose feedback restrains CCR7-mediated dendritic cell (DC) migration. Mechanistically, CCR7 stimulation activates the HIF-1alpha transcription factor pathway in DCs, leading to metabolic reprogramming towards glycolysis for DC migration. 

SMOC generated lnc-Dpf3fl/flItgax-cre+ mice with conditional deletion of this functional lncRNA in DCs, proving that DC-specific lnc-Dpf3 deficiency selectively promotes CCR7-mediated DC migration. 


Shanghai Model Organisms Center Inc has licensed CRISPR-Cas9 technology from Broad Institute

On Dec 16, 2018, Broad Institute and Shanghai Model Organisms Center Inc (SMOC) has entered into a non-exclusive license agreement under which Broad has granted SMOC worldwide rights to commercialize a service platform for genetically modified mouse models under Broad's intellectual property.


Our vision is to provide researchers all over the world with comprehensive, convenient and professional animal model services to facilitate a simplified and highly-efficient approach towards uncovering the mysteries of life.
